Van Halen


EDDIE VAN HALEN Seeks Cancer Treatment in Europe

Widespread reports this week on the health of EDDIE VAN HALEN.
Rumours have been gathering in recent weeks and the damn finally broke when TMZ reported that the legendary guitarist has been traveling back and forth to Germany for throat cancer treatment.
There has been no official response from the VAN HALEN camp, but I can confirm that the information posted is accurate.  Eddie was diagnosed with throat cancer some time back now and has been travelling to Europe for at least the last 12-18 months seeking the best and most up to date treatments available.
I was told the treatments have helped and he's doing better currently. That is up to date info.
What I can add is confirmation that select VAN HALEN tour dates being planning were scuttled earlier this year when Eddie pulled the plug to concentrate on his health.
We wish Eddie all the very best with his treatment and recovery.

VAN HALEN 1978 Debut Erupts 40 Years Ago

Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Podcasts & Radio
Dallas, TX- February 8, 2018. North American syndicated Rock radio show IN THE STUDIO with Redbeard: The Stories Behind History’s Greatest Rock Bands returns to February 10, 1978 and the release, forty years ago, of the debut album from the band who would single-handedly usher in a new era of hard rock. Van Halen’s first, with Eddie Van Halen’s soon-to-be signature guitar sound (take one listen to “Eruption”) literally changed how thousands would play guitar, forever.
Having become the biggest band in Pasadena California, Van Halen would start to migrate to Hollywood for that chance to get noticed. In this classic interview with Alex & Eddie Van Halen, the guys recall to IN THE STUDIO producer and host Redbeard, how a forgettable rainy Monday night at the Starwood Club would end up convincing two important Warner Bros Records execs to sign the band. Alex Van Halen starts, “It was 99 cent beer night and three people were in the audience and two of them were (WB President) Mo (Ostin) and (producer) Ted (Templeman)...Ted was at that time, I think, one of the most purest recording kinda guys. He wasn’t interested in special effects, he wasn’t interested in overdubbing... At the time, I would have liked to have the record to be more like a Zeppelin record that had layers of sound, but Ted wanted nothing to do with it. He wanted to record the purity of it.”   - Alex Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen interjects, “That was my fault, because I had never been in a studio and I didn’t know how. So we just played live. When you write songs and you just play them live, I’ve gotta solo. And I’d have had to write rhythm guitar parts underneath, and I wasn’t prepared to do that. So blame me, it wasn’t Ted’s fault.” - Eddie Van Halen
Van Halen’s debut album was immediately embraced by rock radio and would go on to sell over 10 million copies in the U.S. alone.
VAN HALEN 1978 Debut - IN THE STUDIO with Redbeard program is available now to STREAM at: “"

“Dave & Dave Unchained” - a VAN HALEN Podcast

Podcasts & Radio

Heard you missed us, well we’re back! “Dave & Dave Unchained” - Van Halen podcast returns with episode 4 celebrating the 30th anniversary of David Lee Roth’s 1986 solo album, “Eat’em & Smile.”

At a time when Van Halen didn’t sound very Van Halen, Roth opted to head in the big rock direction VH was known for mixed with a bit of his “Crazy from the Heat” style added in for good measure. Roth hired gunslingers Steve Vai on guitar and Billy Sheehan on bass with Gregg Bissonette behind the drum kit. The videos were wild and colorful and the live show was packed with Van Halen hits.

The Daves discuss the launch of Roth’s band, the “Eat’em & Smile” tour and breakdown the album song-by-song. There’s also an exclusive interview with Vai, who looks back on his “Eat’em & Smile” days, why the band changed direction with the next album “Skyscraper” and even opened up about the “Eat’em & Smile” reunion that almost happened and might still happen. To cap things off, the cast concludes with part 2 of the interview with “Van Halen Rising” author Greg Renoff who talks about his massive “Eat’em & Smile” article he wrote for Guitar World, Roth’s botched movie and the awkward position DLR is currently in these days.

Sit down with a bottle of anything and a glazed donut while enjoying this firecracker of an episode!

Download the new episode on iTunes or Connect with the Daves on Twitter: @ddunchained, Facebook: Dave-Dave Unchained, Instagram: ddunchainedpodcast or via email:

VAN HALEN Not In Discussions With SAMMY HAGAR

News Feed
Despite wild rumors and other media outlets stating as so, I can absolutely confirm that there are NO talks initiated or going on between VAN HALEN and SAMMY HAGAR and/or MICHAEL ANTHONY.
DAVID LEE ROTH is out of contract with the group and his future is unknown, but sources indicate it is unlikely there will be any further recording or touring with the original vocalist. Which leaves a big, obvious gap in the lineup. 
However, based on information from an impecable source close to the Hagar camp, there has been no discussions or communication with the Red Rocker at all. 
Hagar's 2016 plans seem to revolved around his CIRCLE lineup recording original material and continuing their touring.
DAVID LEE ROTH meanwhile is indeed looking for the right opportunity to reunite with the Eat Em And Smile lineup, but there is no word if that will go beyond the one event at this stage.

VAN HALEN Once United

Release Year: 
News Feed
I was going to sum up the last few days in the tumpultous world of Van Halen, but then I got this newsellter from Van Halen Rising author Greg Renoff. Makes for a good short summary and a nice diversion:
"The past week has been a tumultuous one on Planet Van Halen.

In a brutally frank interview with Billboard, Eddie minimized the contributions of former Van Halen bassist Michael Anthony.

His words quickly went viral. 

When Sammy then blasted Eddie in defense of Anthony, calling Eddie a liar, it too made headlines around the web. 

But earlier in the week, Hagar had lodged another charge against Eddie and Alex Van Halen. Sammy told Eddie Trunk that the brothers had taken legal action to stop Hagar from performing Van Hagar songs when Hagar's band, the Circle, performs on TV. 

Are we having fun yet?

All of these events reminded me of story I had to leave out of Van Halen Rising because of space issues. It involves a 1976 legal dispute that saw the four members of Van Halen unified in their efforts to support their band.

It's a good reminder that at one time, Van Halen was a four-man gang with an us-against-the-world mentality."
In 1976, Daniel Sullivan, then just out of college, was a concert promoter in Los Angeles. Back in 1974, he'd gone to Pasadena City College with David Lee Roth and had become friends with him. The following year, he'd put on successful shows featuring Van Halen at LaCañada High School. 

To kick off the Bicentennial Year, Sullivan hired Van Halen for $500.00 to play a show on February 27 at Glendale High School.

Early ticket sales were brisk, and Sullivan was sure this would be his biggest gig yet. 
Then the city of Glendale came calling. 

Photographer Mary Garson, who shot pictures at Sullivan's shows, recalls what happened: "Dan promoted the show, sold tickets, did the contract. He did everything right except get an insurance bond with the city of Glendale. The city wouldn't let him do the show without one. He told me, 'I'm screwed. I've sold several hundred tickets, but the city says I need a $50,000 insurance bond. I don't have the money to pay for it.'"

Sullivan had to cancel the concert. 

So he began refunding tickets, and called David Lee Roth to tell him the bad news.

Roth didn't take it well. 

Roth told Sullivan, "Hey, well, you still owe us 500 bucks."

Eddie, it turns out, was even more fixated on the fact that Sullivan had signed a contract promising to pay the band $500. Even though the show didn't happen, Eddie still wanted Sullivan to pay. "Eddie was pretty adamant about it," Sullivan told me in 2012. "I said, 'Look, I can't do it. I don't have the money. I’ll do another show for you guys or whatever.'" 

Eddie replied, "No, I want the 500 bucks." 

When Sullivan said again that he didn't have the money, the band said we'll see you in court.
"So they ended up suing me in Small Claims court in Glendale," Sullivan recalls. "I was bummed, especially because even though we were in small claims, we were still friends. It was weird.

"So my Dad and I come in to the courtroom and there’s the band, on the other side of the court, all of them, dressed in suits.

"I swear to God it was the most amazing thing. I was just a kid, and I'm with my Dad, and here's Van Halen on the other side of the court. David Roth represented the band. He said that I broke the contract and didn’t follow through with the contract. In the end, they won a judgment for 500 bucks against me."

But Sullivan never paid. Garson recalls that the judge didn't attach a payment plan schedule to the ruling, so Sullivan just didn't ever settle the claim.

More than two years later, Sullivan had lost touch with the band and was living in London. Then one day in the fall of 1978, he got a big surprise: "I'm taking a bus down these streets and I see this sign, a rainbow-colored poster saying Van Halen is playing at the Rainbow Theater."

Sullivan showed up for the show on October 22, 1978. After the gig, he had a roadie bring a note to the band members. 

He recalls what happened next. 

"David, Alex, and Eddie came out and they were so sweet, especially David. He was like, 'Daaannn! How ahh yah ya mothafucka?' It was just the coolest thing ever. I was probably one of the few people there other than the crew who had seen them on the other side of the Atlantic.

"So the show's over and we're looking for some place to go but everything in London was shutting down for the night. So I went to all these private [after-hours] clubs with them. It was amazing."



EDDIE VAN HALEN Billboard June 19 Cover & Interview

Release Year: 
News Feed
Billboard Cover Sneak Peek: 5 Ways Eddie Van Halen Breaks the Rock-Star Rules
By  | June 18, 2015 10:35 PM EDT
Van Halen is about to embark on a 40-plus-date North American tour. But when legendary guitarist Eddie Van Halen takes the stage with the band (starting July in Seattle), fans won't be in the presence of a typical hell-raising rock star, even if his technique did inspire scores of hell-raising metal bands. He's been sober since 2008, but kicking alcohol is only the tip of the iceberg.
For Billboard's latest cover story, out Friday, June 19, we caught up with Eddie Van Halen, who wasn't shy about his atypical rock star ways. He hates touring (and doesn't have much of a relationship with flamboyant frontman David Lee Roth), but is hitting the road anyway. He continues to make new music (Van Halen released a the LP A Different Kind of Truth in 2012) but doesn't listen to anyone else's music, new or old. Here are five reasons there's no other rocker quite like Eddie Van Halen: 
1. He Partied in His Heyday, But Not Exactly Like a Rock Star
Like the rest of Van Halen, Eddie indulged in drugs and alcohol, but not while partying. Drug and alcohol-free since 2008, he told Billboard about how he would get drunk and snort cocaine alone at night in hotel rooms, just to experiment with the guitar: "The blow keeps you awake and the alcohol lowers your inhibitions," Van Halen says. "I'm sure there were musical things I would not have attempted were I not in that mental state." 
2. He Doesn't Listen to Any New Music 
Not only does he not listen to old Van Halen records, but the guitarist hasn't purchased new music since 1986. That special album was Peter Gabriel's So. And new music? Don't even think about it. "I couldn't make a contemporary record if I wanted to, because I don't know what contemporary music sounds like," he admitted to Billboard. He does occasionally listen to Yo-Yo Ma (because he love the sound of the cello), so there's that.
3. He Dresses Normcore
Okay, so there are punk and indie musicians who rock the regular Joe look, but few rock stars from Van Halen's era will say, "I'm a T-shirt and jeans guy." And he definitely didn't bond with former Van Halen singer Gary Cherone over clothing choices: "We were getting ready to go on tour, and all of a sudden I see this John Travolta outfit -- these big lapels and a crazy jacket. He's like, 'This is my stage outfit.' That's when I realized it wasn't going to work," says  
4. He Played on Michael Jackson's Iconic 'Beat It' -- But Doesn't Think It's a Big Deal
When asked about playing the guitar solo on Michael Jackson's "Beat It," Van Halen simply refers to it as "20 minutes of my life," and figures he probably should have gotten songwriting credit, but doesn't seem to care much for not making any money off it:
 "I literally thought to myself, 'Who is possibly going to know if I play on this kid's record?' So I went to the studio and listened to the song twice, and I didn't like the section they wanted me to solo over. They wanted me to solo over the breakdown. I asked [Thriller producer] Quincy Jones to edit the chords underneath the solo," he recalls. "Then I could play the solo in the key of E, but it was the chords underneath that made the solo interesting. So I guess I did rearrange it."
5. He Doesn't Remember His Own Band's Lyrics 
Aside from not being able to read music, Eddie admits he's also forgotten many of the lyrics to Van Halen's songs. And though he barely has a relationship with David Lee Roth, he soldiers on for the fans: "I think it's now built into people's DNA, that it just won't be Van Halen if it's not Roth's voice," he explains. "You make music for people. Otherwise, just play in your closet. And how do you reach the most people? By giving them the band that they know. To do it any other way would be selfish.”
Read Eddie Van Halen's Billboard cover story when it's out Friday, June 19.



VAN HALEN Add Concerts in NY and LA; Billboard Music Awards Appearance

Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Tour News
New York, NY - Due to overwhelming demand, VAN HALEN has added a third New York area concert at the Nikon At Jones Beach Theater on Saturday, August 15 and an additional Hollywood Bowl show on Sunday, October 4. VAN HALEN is touring North America beginning July 5 in Seattle, Washington at the White River Amphitheatre, with concerts scheduled through October 4. Special guest Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band will support all dates along the tour.

Tickets go on sale Monday, May 18 at 10 AM through with advanced tickets on sale to American Express® Cardmembers beginning Wednesday, May 13. Tickets for the previously announced shows at PNC Bank Arts Center on August 9, Nikon at Jones Beach Theater on August 16 and Hollywood Bowl on October 2 are on sale now.

Fans can see Van Halen perform on the ‘2015 Billboard Music Awards’ on Sunday, May 17, on ABC from 8:00 PM 11:00 PM ET. The performance marks the band's first-ever performance on an awards show with Eddie, Alex, Wolfgang and David Lee Roth.

Formed in Los Angeles in 1974, VAN HALEN changed the rock and roll landscape forever with the release of their self-titled, 1978 debut album and subsequently produced a repertoire of hits that remain some of the strongest and most influential rock songs ever written that fans will admire for decades to come. With more than 75 million albums sold worldwide, and more No. 1 hits on the Billboard Mainstream Rock chart than any other artist, the band's record of achievement is hard to top. The eponymous debut album and 1984 were both certified Diamond, for U.S. sales in excess of 10 million, placing them on an elite short list of double RIAA-certified Diamond Award honorees. VAN HALEN was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2007.

Go to for updates and more information.


VAN HALEN - Tokyo Dome In Concert (Review)

information persons: 
Produced By: 
Van Halen
Release Date: 
Musical Style: 
Hard Rock
Warner Bros.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Is it at all possible to review this release without making the voice of frontman David Lee Roth an issue? Better for me if I don’t, as lunatic members of the DLR fanclub will certainly riot should anyone dare state the obvious.
But, at the risk of doing something I hate - sitting on the fence - it ain’t that bad. We are talking of course about the current (and recent) vocal abilities of the great Sir David Lee Of The Roth – a frontman so iconic in rock n roll circles that it is almost an 11th commandment to hold him in reverence.
I’ll roll out the cliché that Dave was always more frontman and circus ring leader than styled vocalist, but his charisma and charm (plus fronting the best band on the planet) made him a household name.
I like Dave – I like his energy, I like his intelligence and wit and I like (most) of his recorded output over the years.
Yes, his voice is kinda rough, even for an old guy, but his fitness and stage aura is unquestionable and it is that factor that gets him a pass on all concert appearances and therefore this live document of the band’s 2013 tour.
I’d probably rather hear Dave then watch Dave, his antics are a bit much sometimes, so the lack of DVD here is not an issue for me.
There is also at least a dozen other Van Halen live concerts that fans rank higher in demand than this outing, but this is both the first appearance of Dave and Wolfgang on any official live release.
Any archival live release would have to involve Michael Anthony (I had to mention him, didn’t I?) and that would just be awkward…right?
So, Tokyo Dome - In Concert is here and you know what, I may have a far more enthusiastic love of the Sammy Hagar era (yes, I had to mention him too), but you cannot deny the band is on fire here and Eddie Van Halen – wow. It’s one of life’s joys to hear him play any riff at all, let alone those to the iconic Hot For Teacher, Panama, Unchained, Mean Street and Running With The Devil.
Yes, there are vocals that make you cringe occasionally and yes, they miss that Mike Anthony wail, but this is a pretty nice raw, 100% live on the night recording.
And I’m especially enthusiastic about the new inclusions – China Town, She’s The Woman and Tattoo (ok, maybe a little less so on that one…), but A Different Kind Of Truth was a fricken awesome album and deserves to be part of the classic set list of songs.

I love Van Halen. They frustrate the shit out of me though. I’d much prefer a new/old/anything studio release. C’mon guys, time waits for no man, get on with it! 
But in the meantime this will do for a while, or at least every time it gets warm enough for a BBQ.

VAN HALEN To Tour North America Summer/Fall 2015

Sunday, July 5, 2015
Tour News
VAN HALEN to Perform March 30 on Hollywood Boulevard for ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ In Rare Television Concert Appearance
Songs from the Concert to be Aired March 30-March 31
In celebration of a 2015 Summer/Fall North American Tour, VAN HALEN will perform a special concert for Jimmy Kimmel LiveMarch 30 on Hollywood Boulevard. Featuring some of the band’s essential rock and roll classics, the concert will be broadcast over two nights, March 30 and March 31, on the late night talk show and marks VAN HALEN's first U.S. television performance with original lead singer David Lee Roth. Jimmy Kimmel Live airs weeknights at 11:35 p.m. / 10:35 p.m. Central time on ABC.

VAN HALEN is touring North America beginning July 5 in Seattle, Washington at the White River Amphitheatre, with concerts scheduled through October 2 in Los Angeles, California at the legendary Hollywood Bowl. Special guest Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band will support all dates along the tour. Tickets for the Live Nation-promoted tour go on sale beginning April 4 at and with special pre-sale information being announced locally. A complete list of tour dates can be found below.

The special Hollywood Boulevard concert will be a hit-heavy set of songs featured on TOKYO DOME LIVE IN CONCERT, the first-ever live album to feature original singer David Lee Roth. Recorded on June 21, 2013 in Tokyo, Japan, TOKYO DOME LIVE IN CONCERT includes 23 songs spanning all seven of the band’s albums with Roth. It is being released as a double CD, four-LP set on 180-gram vinyl and digitally beginning March 31, 2015. Fans who pre-order TOKYO DOME LIVE IN CONCERT before its March 31 release date through Amazon and digitally at iTunes will instantly receive downloads of “Panama,” “Runnin’ With The Devil,” “Jump”and “Hot For Teacher.”

Also being released beginning March 31 are remastered versions of Van Halen and 1984, with remastered versions of Diver Down, Women and Children First, Van Halen II and Fair Warning due out later this spring. Each album has been cut straight from the quarter-inch tapes for CD, 180-gram vinyl and for the digital version by mastering engineer Chris Bellman, who remastered the original albums for Bernie Grundman Studios, Hollywood, CA. These albums are being released beginning March 31 with pre-orders available now through Amazon and iTunes now.

Jimmy Kimmel Live is broadcast in 720 Progressive (720P), ABC’s selected HDTV format. Jimmy Kimmel and Jill Leiderman serve as executive producers. Jason Schrift, Douglas DeLuca and Erin Irwin serve as co-executive producers. Emmy Award®-winning Jimmy Kimmel Live is shot live in front of a studio audience and produced by Jackhole Industries in association with ABC Studios. (CLOSED-CAPTIONED)

Enjoy Jimmy Kimmel Live on the web at and at Artwork is available on and on; Twitter @JimmyKimmel #Kimmel

Formed in Los Angeles in 1974, VAN HALENchanged the rock and roll landscape forever with the release of their self-titled, 1978 debut album and subsequently produced a repertoire of hits that remain some of the strongest and most influential rock songs ever written that fans will admire for decades to come. With more than 75 million albums sold worldwide, and more No. 1 hits on the Billboard Mainstream Rock chart than any other artist, the band's record of achievement is hard to top. The eponymous debut album and 1984were both certified Diamond, for U.S. sales in excess of 10 million, placing them on an elite short list of double RIAA-certified Diamond Award honorees. VAN HALEN was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2007.
Sunday July 5, Seattle, WA, White River Amphitheatre
Tuesday July 7, Portland, OR, Amphitheater Northwest
Thursday July 9, Concord, CA, Concord Pavilion
Saturday July 11, San Bernardino, CA, San Manuel Amphitheater
Tuesday July 14, Irvine, CA, Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
Thursday July 16, Mountain View, CA, Shoreline Amphitheatre
Saturday July 18, Salt Lake City, UT, USANA Amphitheatre
Monday July 20, Morrison, CO, Red Rocks Amphitheatre
Wednesday July 22, Kansas City, MO, Cricket Wireless Amphitheater
Friday July 24, Chicago, IL, First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre
Sunday July 26, St. Louis, MO, Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre
Tuesday July 28, Pittsburgh, PA, First Niagra Pavilion
Thursday July 30, Bangor, ME, Darling'sWaterfront Pavilion
Saturday August 1, Boston, MA, Xfinity Center
Monday August 3, Cleveland, OH, Blossom Music Center
Wednesday August 5, London, ON, Western Fair District
Friday August 7, Toronto, ON, Molson Canadian Amphitheatre
Sunday August 9, Holmdel, NJ, PNC Bank Arts Center
Tuesday August 11, Hartford, CT, Xfinity Center
Thursday August 13, Wantagh, NY, Nikon At Jones Beach Theater
Sunday August 23, Hershey, PA, Hershey Park
Tuesday August 25, Darien Center, NY, Darien Lake Performing Arts Center
Thursday August 27, Camden, NJ, Susquehanna Bank Center
Saturday August 29, Washington DC, Jiffy Lube Live
Monday August 31, Cincinnati, OH, Riverbend Music Center
Wednesday September 2, Indianapolis, IN, Klipsch Amphitheatre
Friday September 4, Detroit, MI, DTE Energy Music Theater
Sunday September 6, Bethel, NY, Bethel Woods Center for the Arts
Wednesday September 9, Raleigh, NC, Walnut Creek Amphitheater
Friday September 11, Charlotte, NC, PNC Music Pavilion
Sunday September 13, Tampa, FL, MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre
Tuesday September 15, West Palm Beach, FL, Coral Sky Amphitheatre
Thursday September 17, Birmingham, AL, Oak Mountain Amphitheatre
Monday September 21, Austin, TX, Austin360 Amphitheater
Wednesday September 23, Dallas, TX, Gexa Energy Pavilion
Friday September 25, Houston, TX, Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion
Monday September 28, Phoenix, AZ, Ak-Chin Pavilion
Wednesday September 30, San Diego, CA, Sleep Train Amphitheatre
Friday October 2, Hollywood, CA, Hollywood Bowl

VAN HALEN To Appear On "Ellen Show" April 2

Friday, March 20, 2015
News Feed
VAN HALEN will promote their new live album release and most likely their upcoming US summer/fall tour on the April 2 edition of The Ellen Show. No, the date is not a typo...
"They are "what dreams are made of"... a legendary, "Unchained,” world renowned rock band that continues to tear up the stage four decades since their beginning. VAN HALEN is here! In a daytime exclusive, the California rockers will take over Ellen's stage to perform one of their favorite songs as they embark on their Greatest Hits Tour! They're some of the most talented, wildest and most exciting musicians of all time. Nearly all of Van Halen's albums have gone triple platinum, featuring iconic records like "You Really Got Me," "Runnin' with the Devil" and "Dancing in the Street." Ellen and her audience will be dancing through the aisles when Van Halen brings the heat to the room!"

VAN HALEN Live Tokyo Dome Set Audio Preview Posted

Wednesday, March 4, 2015
News Feed

You've already heard all the details, now pre-order links and advance audio have been posted for the VAN HALEN Live In Tokyo 2013 release.

The audio unfortunately sounds horrible. The mix is way off for something the band has apparently spent months working on. The bass drowns out everything, the vocals are way back (but that might be a god thing, sorry Dave) and it all sounds very muddy. And this is coming from a HUGE Van Halen fan.

Pre-orders are available now at the following locations:

Tokyo Dome Live In Concert

Digital - iTunes
Two-CD - Amazon
Four-LP – Amazon

Van Halen

CD - Amazon
LP - Amazon


CD - Amazon
LP - Amazon

Deluxe Edition

Four-CD - Amazon
Six-LP - Amazon



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