Last Autumn's Dream


Last Autumn's Dream (2004)

Last Autmun's Dream: A dream come true.


Mikael Erlandsson and Andy Malecek talk about the new "supergroup" project that seesm the guys team with the trio of Ian Haugland, Mic Michaeli and John Levén from Europe. Both guys were asked a set of questions - some involving the LAD project were the same, some different, so the interviews are posted one below each other.




Mikael Erlandsson:

So Mikael, it has been a busy year for you. Your solo album and now Last Autumn's Dream. I am impressed with the album - how did the idea to form this band get started?
It started as an idea during performing my solo-songs live.. all songs we played
were more like , " hard´n´heavier " in the same time my record - company in japan
had the same idea to put a "band-feeling" into my songs, so , my management and the company and i put this dreamband together......

And where did the name come from?
The name came up as an idea from the brilliant company in Japan (the name was too good to reject) ha ha...

How long did it take to get the line-up together? I must say that I think it's a great combination. How did you meet and hook up with Andy and the boys from Europe?
A couple of seconds, they all thought that this project would be great fun. I use my management here in Sweden, and my record company in Japan to get in touch with the boys - for me it's like a dream-team...

I don't have the writers credits here, but who wrote the songs and when were they written?
"Again And Again "," Talk To Me "," The One" , "Goin´ Home" ,"Doin´ Time" and "I Never Let You Go” were written by myself and Andreasson/Wassenius .. A team in our own studio here in Gothenburg , Sunday music during last spring..."guardian angel " is a "crystal blue - song" written by Thomas Lassar .. The rest of the songs is written by the great German songwriter Rick Wrightman , excellent tunes !!!!

Where was the album recorded and how long did the process take?
In Stockholm , Berlin and Gothenburg , took about 1,5 months.

Where did the bonus track for Europe come from - was it recorded in the same sessions for the album?
Yes, at the same time.

The concept behind the music was to take your voice in a more rocking direction. How did you feel about that over the softer AOR of your solo material?
I'm use to it, because of my live performances (much harder and heavier live).

Was it fun to stretch the voice to the requirement of this album?
Of course! - I loved it!

Was the aim fulfilled? I enjoyed the couple of heavier tracks the best and would love to hear you go even further like this - are there plans for further LAD albums?
There will be a follower album, that's for sure. And it's a promise it will be more "edgy" than this one .. I have already a couple of songs.

Is there a lyrical theme or message throughout this record?
No! It's just songs... it's up to the listener to decide if there's a secret message ... he he he!!

Are there any plans to play live in support of this release, either in Japan or Europe?
Hope so - we'll see how it goes.

What are your favourite moments of the album?
When Andy have his moments - like the solo part in "Goin Home" whoooaah!!!

To anyone that has yet to hear the album, how would you describe it?
80´s rock meets 2004!!!

Tell us about your solo career - I really enjoyed the 2003 solo album - what are your current solo plans?
What can I say, I write songs almost every time I have a free spot left in my schedule... I have like 50-60 songs in my bag for the future ... he he, let's see how this LAD - project turns out to be. Keep that question open...

Do you have a favourite album from those you have recorded?
"The 1" and "The Gift" are my pearls.

How is life in Sweden as a working musician? Do you enjoy the rock music community there? It seems very strong.
It's amazing how many great talented bands and musicians we have here. I must say that I feel very blessed for having this opportunity for making albums when so many out there just earn to have a huge career....

Is there any other projects or albums you would like to make, or people you would like to work with in the future?
My dream, since I was 12 years old and heard the band ELO for the first time,
was and still are, to work with "the master of music" Mr. Jeff Lynne's good to have a dream , though.

And is there anything you would like to add?
Just wanna say that I'm so thankful for doing this......
Thanks very much for taking the time out to answer these questions for me!
You're welcome!





Andy Malecek:

Hi Andy....great to hear you back on the recording scene. It's been a few years now since the demise of Fair Warning, what have you been doing between then and the start of this project?
I needed some time off. I was taken ill in 2000. And after I recovered I sort of wanted to do nothing but play the guitar, meet some friends and maybe play some gigs with bands that were very different from FAIR WARNING. You see, Helge and Ule preferred a very loud set-up for the stage when we toured. I couldn't see why it had to be that loud on stage, let alone for the PA. They would use ear plugs, I didn't. So I wanted to be in some band again for a change that played with and listened to each other much more on stage. So I joined, it might sound funny, a local Country band that played almost entirely acoustic. That was fun for a while but soon enough I started writing material again, mostly instrumental, and trying to pursue my dream of a solo album. While looking for a singer for that I was introduced to Mikael and we founded Last Autumn's Dream.

Do you miss the days of Fair Warning?
Yes and no. Back in the early nineties joining this band really was a huge step forward for me. It brought me to daylight and allowed me to share an enormous success I had never experienced before. On the other hand despite the long time we were together I only made real friends with some of the band, Tommy Heart for instance, who also lives in Berlin. Also I couldn't by far contribute to the creative process of the band as much as I wanted to. At a certain point the time had come for a new path to follow. One that is much more my own.

How did the idea to form this band get started?
Well, here I was, recording solo material all by myself when Fair Warning's last record company, Marquee Records in Japan, sort of knocked at my door wanting to know what I was up to at the moment. I sent them my solo stuff. They liked it but suggested to ally with a singer they had long signed and who had been very successful up to that point in Japan as well. That singer was Mikael Erlandsson. We exchanged demos and soon decided that we wanted to meet each other. The record company was delighted and so we met and locked ourselves away with a guitar and a piano. That's when that real “Last Autumn's Dream” feeling really was born. After I returned to Germany we kept contact over the phone and continued working.

And where did the name come from?
At first there was just this kind of melancholic air that emerged when we exchanged ideas. Strangely, we felt most comfortable with this kind of moody and mellow tone. So when the time came up to find a name, many people volunteered to suggest names that would capture this air. In the end it was Marquee again who seemed to have the best intuition and empathy for the whole thing and they suggested “Last Autumn's Dream” and we sort of said in unison “That's it!” And when you listen to the album, despite some real tough stuff like “Talk To Me” or “Break the Chains (Of Destiny) there are more moody songs and ballads on it than on any Fair Warning or Mikael Erlandsson album before.

How did you meet and hook up with Mikael and the boys from Europe?
Meeting Mikael seemed to spark an instant synergy. For me the time was ripe for a thing like this to happen. So when our demos had shaped into a semi-presentable form, Mikaels long time producer, Ulf Wahlberg, who seems to know each and everybody in the Swedish rock scene asked the Europe-guys Ian Haugland, John Leven and Mic Michaeli over and played the stuff to them. And they said: “We're on!” What more can you ask for?

I don't have the writers credits here, but who wrote the songs and when were they written?
Mikael had very melodious and catchy song ideas which only weren't arranged yet. So we decided to keep the credits where they belong, the one who had the original idea. I started working on arrangements for his songs and at the same time to work on some singable material with my producer in Berlin Rick Brightman, because there would have been an imbalance of my instrumental pieces and Mikael's songs. Out of that the very heavy guitar oriented “High Up” evolved.
When finally the set for the album was to be assembled the record company was hesitant about my instrumental pieces. So Rick, with whom I work very closely together, jumped in and provided some really cool ideas. I enjoyed working out these songs very much. Mikael liked it and so our stuff kind of coined the album to an extent as well.

Where was the album recorded and how long did the process take?
It's funny how things sometimes fall into place. Ulf Wahlberg's studio seemed to be the best place to go. He is in Stockholm. But Mikael has his own studio in Gothenburg which he specifically set up to take his time and work out the vocals in perfection. I myself felt most comfortable in Rick Brightman's studio and so we thought about a way to combine the best of three worlds (pun intended!). It required more communication between every party involved and a good deal more discipline but it worked out. Torbjörn Wassenius, Mikaels producer in Gothenburg, carefully collected the stacking layers of the songs and the first one he finished mixing was “Break the Chains”. He put it on his server, we listened to it and it blew us away!!! From then on we went even more nose to the grindstone…

The feel of the album isn't too far removed from Fair Warning, is that how
it was planned - is that your natural style?

In a sense you can't help being influenced by a band you had your mind about for such a long time. Fair Warning's music has some great moments. And in being a part of it I learned to look for these moments in the future in my own career. With Last Autumn's Dream I resumed that search and have found moments that would have never been possible with Fair Warning.

Did you have a lot of interest from European labels? How did you come to
chose Frontiers?

The Frontiers Deal went rather quick. It was basically one call from Ulf and FRONTIERS left no doubt that they wanted it and fast! For all I know FRONTIERS is the label to go to in Europe if you do Melodic Rock. Have a look at their roster, it's impressive.

Are there any plans to play live in support of this release, either in Japan or Europe?
When we hit the LP-charts in the first week in Japan we really felt quite an itch to go over there and rock some places. I have some fond memories of tours in Japan and I'd love to go back there with my own band. But we had to look at it logically. You can't really play a headlining show with one album's material. On the other hand supporting acts are generally not customary in Japan. So we decided to keep it back until after the next album which holds for Europe as well.

What are your favourite moments of the album?
Hmm, I love listening to the thing in one gulp actually. It has this round feeling that let's you enjoy each song and then look forward to the next. But ok, there is this beautiful mellow-melancolic yet immensely strong building-up ballad by Mikael “Going Home”. It's the last song on the album and it kind of sums it up really. A guitar magazine in Japan went so far as to transcribe my solo from that song which made me really proud. “Again and Again” is up to become our very own AOR hymn per se and is our no.1 radio song at the moment. It's a very catchy song which opens up the tracklist.
In between these two ends you have the broad rocking “Break the Chains (Of Destiny)” thundering through your speakers which contains some long developing solo passages which I particularly enjoyed playing. The same goes for the heavy rocking “High Up” that during the solo parts becomes also very melodious. That's the great thing about Melodic Hard Rock, see, you can combine the two worlds which can make a song so much richer as a whole. “Never let you go” is my favourite Westcoast-like tune and, well, “Blink of the Eye” is simply such a round kind of thing, that it makes me smile every time I hear it. That one is also played on the radio a lot.

To anyone that has yet to hear the album, how would you describe it?
This album combines all the colours of mid-autumn leaves. Sad, angry, overwhelmed, reminiscent, desperately lonely and deeply touched. It opens up the path to all these emotions because here they are being melted into music…

Do you have a favourite album from those you have recorded?
Apart from this one I guess it has got to be FAIR WARNING's debut album back in '93. We were all working together closely in the studio, had a great producer and everybody was inspired by the many ideas we had and our plans for the future.

Is there any other projects or albums you would like to make, or people you
would like to work with in the future?

Well, I used to have more ideas about that before I met Mikael. That encounter however showed me that some great things in life can happen seemingly by chance an unplanned. So I guess I keep on working and see what happens. However I am really glad to have found Rick Brightman as a producer and writer. He can get me back down to earth again when I'm too carried away and at the same time he surprises me with his excellent ideas ever so often. That's a rare thing too.

And is there anything you would like to add?
Ok so to all you young guitar players out there: start playing and practicing hard while you're young, 'cause you might not have so much time to do so later on!!

Thanks Andy!






Friday, February 22, 2019
News Feed
AOR Heaven - Press Release 01/2019
::: MIKAEL ERLANDSSON releases his 6th solo album “Capricorn Six” via AOR Heaven in Europe on February 22 :::
Mikael Erlandsson is back with his 6th solo album “Capricorn Six”. The Swedish singer is a true Aor/melodic rock legend that with his amazing voice which has been one of the best  in this genre for more than 25 years.
Erlandsson had success in Sweden already in 1990 when he was the  frontman in the band N´Gang where he had several hits incl. a Swedish song in the Eurovision Song Contest. The breakthrough in the Rock scene happened in 1993 when he released his first solo album. The album topped that year’s best of melodic rock charts and had an impact all over the world - but especially in Japan. Later on, 4 more solo albums saw the light of day and Erlandsson guested as singer on albums with Phenomena, Radioactive, Salute, Love Under Cover amongst others. During the last fifteen years Mikael also led his own band “Last Autumns Dream” who released 15 albums and did some touring in Japan, Germany and England.
Now, Mikael Erlandsson is back with a new album filled with songs in his classic style. Musicians on the album are Sayit Dölen (guitar), Pontus Engborg (drums) and Joel Starander (bass). The record was produced by Claes Andreasson and Mikael Erlandsson (Last Autumns Dream, Heartbreak Radio) and mixed and mastered by Martin Kronlund (guest guitar themes on ”Eye of the hurricane” , ”Break another heart” & ”I just wanna love you”.
Tracklist: 1. Eye Of The Hurricane, 2. Why, 3. Pain, 4. Evil, 5. Had To Let You Go, 6. Break Another Heart, 7. Fear The People, 8. Ok, 9. I Just Wanna Love Ya, 10. Alice In Wonderland
Soundfiles in advance:
::: BLOOD RED SAINTS return with “Pulse” on February 22 :::
2019 brings the release of the third album by British rockers Blood Red Saints.
The album, released through AOR Heaven is entitled 'Pulse' on February 22 and sees the band modernising their sound whilst still retaining the big choruses. Guitarist Lee Revill is the man tasked with mixing and engineering the album as well as co-producing alongside Pete Godfrey.
“Pulse” features 11 tracks all written by Revill/Godfrey and the album has a more contemporary edge, trying to push the boundaries of Melodic Rock. Songs such as “Cross to bear” and “Crash into me”, edge into radio friendly territory whilst “I'm your Devil” has a more raw punky feel. The title track “Pulse” is all about the chant and should be a great live number, “Animals” and “Message to God” being full on rockers.
The band says: “This album is more personal, dealing with life events of the past year but still maintaining a positive stance, everybody brought their best to this recording, no compromises, no excuses, simply the best 11 songs we could write and we are proud of the results, after all, without music and fun, what is there?”
Tracklist: 1. Believer, 2. Animals, 3. Cross To Bear, 4. Invincible, 5. I’m Your Devil, 6. Crash Into Me, 7. Pulse, 8. Message To God, 9. Warrior, 10. What Have We Become, 11. Bring Me To Life
Soundfiles in advance:
Follow AOR Heaven on Facebook for more news, video posts and other information at: @facebook: aorheaven



LAST AUTUMN'S DREAM 'In Disguise' For Next Release

News Feed
Coming on Escape Music - Last Autumn's Dream new album "In Disguise", their 13th album on 20th January. This is the band's favourite songs and influences of all time!
Last Autumn's Dream is:
Mikael Erlandsson: Lead vocals, backing vocals, keyboards & guitar
Peter Pac Soderstrom: Lead and rhythm guitars
Jamie Borger: Drums, percussion and backing vocals
Nalle Pahlsson: Electric bass guitar, lead and backing vocals
Ulf Wahlberg: Keyboards, backing vocals and 'The Big Knob' as usual
Track listening:
 1. If Love Should Go: 4:33                         
    Music & Lyrics: Slamer/Walsh
  2. Jet Airliner     Time: 4:10
    Music & Lyrics: P. Pen
 3. Working For The Weekend 3:48
     Music & Lyrics: M. Frenette/P. Dean
 4. Wig Wam Bam: 3:16
     Music & Lyrics: M. Chapman/N. Chinn
 5. Slow Down: 3:32
     Music & Lyrics: Miles/Marshall
 6. Need A Little Loving: 4:06
     Music & Lyrics: Slamer/Ward
 7. I´ll Bring The Whole World To Your Door: 3:23
     Music & Lyrics: Meadows, DiMino, Leonetti
 8. Just One More Time: 5:11
    Music & Lyrics: B. Macleod/D. Mills
 9.  When I Kissed The Teacher: 3:21
      Music & Lyrics: B. Ulvaeus/B. Andersson
10. All The Way: 3:22
       Music & Lyrics: G. Simmons  
11. Hey You     Time: 4:07
       Music & Lyrics: C. Turner/R. Bachman/R. Bachman


Friday, February 26, 2016
News Feed

AOR Heaven’s upcoming February 26 releases are from LAST AUTUMN’S DREAM and THEANDER EXPRESSION.

Last Autumn’s Dream - Paintings
Mikael Erlandsson from Gothenburg is one of the best singers/ songwriters in Sweden today. Beside LAD he has since 2006 been the front man in the Swedish super group Secret Service on live tours all over the world.

He has recorded four successful solo albums and his Japanese record company together with XTC Productions came up with the idea of putting him together with the fantastic guitar player Andy Malecek from the successful German hard rock band Fair Warning for an album project.

Mikael and Andy were both hooked by the idea and a plan for the album began to grow. Ian Haugland, Mic Michaeli and John Leven of Europe-fame were asked if they were interested to join - which they did, and the band LAST AUTUMN'S DREAM was born in 2003!

Their self titled debut album resembled the best Scandinavian melodic rock heritage, but also added a distinctive Fair Warning influence coming from Malecek’s guitar playing.

The band lost 3/5's of their members due to the comeback of Europe. After the release of their second album bassist Marcel Jacob (Talisman) tragically died and was replaced by Nalley Påhlsson (Treat, Therion), and finally drummer Jamie Borger (Talisman, Treat, Secret Service) joined the band.

Andy Malecek unfortunately decided to leave the band in 2014 because of personal reasons and was replaced by Peter “Pac” Söderström, a genius guitar player that earlier used to add rhythm guitars to the band’s previous albums. Producer Ulf Wahlberg in the meantime had joined the band as keyboard player.

th album “Paintings” will be released in Europe in February 2015 and proposes as usual the combination of classic rock references with a modern sound. In October 2015 the band also made a successful performance at Rock City Festival in Nottingham.

Sound clips in advance:

Bring Out The Heroes (Edit)
My Mistake To Make (Edit)
Run Out Of Love (Edit)

Theander Expression - Wonderful Anticiptation

[]  []
Theander Expression is the AOR project by Swedish guitar player Andrée Theander, who started to work with the first album in 2012 and released it one year later. It was called ”Strange Nostalgia” after one of the songs and got critically acclaimed around the world of melodic rock in 2013.

Just over two years later the follow-up is finally here and it carries the title ”Wonderful Anticipation”, as a kind of an antonym to the frequently misinterpreted debut title.

Andrée has been producing and recording most of the album at the Theander studio, playing all the guitars and handles also most of the bass and keyboards, some percussion, drum programming and vocals.

Other musicians featured on the album are Herman Furin (Work of Art), Bengan Andersson (NIVA, Johan Randén), Kristofer von Wachenfeldt (Care of Night), Björn Lundqvist (Sunstrike, Twilight Force), Christian Eriksson (Sunstrike, Twilight Force), Erik Martensson (Eclipse, W.E.T), Sebastian Freij and Christoffer ”Foffe” Särnefält.

The record was mixed and mastered by Thomas ”Plec” Johansson at Panic Room Studios in the end of 2015 and the result is another high class rock record with classic melodies and a modern production, ready to hit the market in 2016.

Sound clips in advance:
Mrs. Trendy (Edit)
Never Surrender (Edit)
You Always Ran Away (Edit)

LAST AUTUMN'S DREAM Canvas Next Album 'Paintings'

Friday, February 26, 2016
News Feed
LAST AUTUMN'S DREAM will release their next studio album this week in Japan, and across Europe via AOR Heaven February 26.
Line up for the album 'Paintings':
Mikael Erlandsson - Vocals
Jamie Borger - Drums
Nalley Pâhlsson - Bass
Peter Pac Söderström - Guitars
Ulf Wahlberg - Keyboards
 1. My Mistake To Make
 2. Bring Out The Heroes
 3. Out Of Love
 4. Too Late
 5. Take It On The Run
 6. Won'tcha Stay The Night
 7. An Eye For An Eye
 8. Bitter Blue
 9. In Case Of Landing On Water
 10. Rock Star Crazy
 11. Even When I Hate You *  Bonus Track Japan

Nalle Påhlsson's ROYAL MESS Special Edition Pre-Orders Open

Release Year: 
Friday, September 25, 2015
News Feed
Its time for pre-orders to be available for ROYAL MESS - out on MelodicRock Records September 25 - the same date as THE RADIO SUN sophmore release, which you can also pre-order now as part of a MRR September Package deal.
Nalle Påhlsson's ROYAL MESS is designed to kick some ass – a little Steve Stevens Atomic Playboys meets Kiss, meets Swedish melodic rock class.
View album teaser #3 now:
 ROYAL MESS Special Edition $15 + $5 Shipping Worldwide
 DEAL! ROYAL MESS & THE RADIO SUN Special Editions $30 + $2 Shipping Worldwide
Nalle’s name should be very familiar to fans of Scandinavian rock – just check the credits for such great acts as Treat, Last Autumn's Dream, Vindictiv and Therion.
After so many years helping others sound great, MRR is proud to bring Nalle’s debut album to fans.
Produced by Nalle Påhlsson and Mixed by Chris Laney
The self-titled Nalle Påhlsson's ROYAL MESS album will be released September 25 in two configurations – regular and a direct pre-order limited Special Edition that will feature one bonus track.
Track Listing:
01. Aces High (Påhlsson/Lundquist) 4:00
02. Hell City (Påhlsson/Lundquist) 3:44
03. Mr Freedom (Påhlsson) 4:22
04. Gold Digger (Påhlsson) 3:22
05. Breakout (Påhlsson) 3:50
06. Higher Than Seventh Heaven (Påhlsson/Lundquist-Nerge) 4:09
07. The Pieces Of My Heart (Påhlsson/Lundquist) 3:45
08. To Hell And Back (Påhlsson/Lundquist-Zan) 3:29
09. Trip (Påhlsson/Lundquist) 3:28
10. From Rise To Fall (Påhlsson/Lundquist) 3:05
11. Loaded Gun (Påhlsson/Lundquist) 4:18
Special Edition Exclusive Bonus Track:
12. See You In My Dreams (Påhlsson/Nilsson-Geli) 4:52
And check out the list of special guests on ROYAL MESS!
Kee Marcello (ex Europe)
Ian Haugland (Europe)
Mats Olausson (Yngwie Malmsteen)
Jamie Borger (Treat, L.A.D.)
Danne McKentzie (Mustasch)
Mats Levén (Candlemass, Therion)
Snowy Shaw (Therion)
Linnéa Vikström (Therion)
Johan Koleberg (Therion)
Pontus Norgren (Hammerfall)
Patrick Appelgren (Treat)
Kristian Niemann (ex Therion)
Zinny Zan (Easy Action, Shotgun Messiah)
Stefan Bergström (Skintrade)
Christian Vidal (Therion)
Micke Hujanen
Igna Jover (Antalgia)
Nicci Notini
Love Magnusson (Dynazty)
Stefan Lindholm (Vindictiv)
Max Lorentz
Henrik Bergqvist (The Poodles)
Mikael Erlandsson (L.A.D)
Lasse Andersson (producer, songwriter)
Pontus Larsson (Vindictiv)
For more than three decades, Nalle Påhlsson has been one of Sweden's leading rock bassists, providing reliable backing vocals along the way. September sees the release of Nalle Påhlsson's Royal Mess. An album where Nalle finally steps out as a lead singer, songwriter and versatile musician (providing rhythm guitars and keyboards, as well as bass).
Inspired by his oldest brother's record collection, Nalle started playing guitar at an early age. At 10, he joined his first band, switching to bass guitar the following year.
"Playing the bass reflects my personality. If I was a housebuilder I'd be into cement, working on the foundation. I feel just as at home playing the rhythm guitar, which has a similar role", Nalle smiles.
His early influences – Deep Purple, Kiss, The Sweet, Kansas – instilled the rock'n'roll dream, and the success of the band Europe proved that it was possible for Swedes his own age to make it.
Soon, Nalle was a sought-after bass player, touring and/or recording with some of Scandinavia's biggest names (Mikael Rickfors, Mats Ronander, Pugh Rogefeldt, Sanne Salomonsen, Easy Action and many others). He also formed what may have been Sweden's first tribute band, AB/CD. Not only did they play impeccable AC/DC covers; Nalle (who, being the rhythm guitarist, naturally called himself Nalcolm) also wrote new material in the style of the Australian rockers. AB/CD released one EP and two albums. The first album shifted 30,000 units, outselling some of Sweden's most hyped rock bands in the process.
Nalle continued to work as a freelance musician, as well as being a member of bands like Treat, Last Autumn's Dream, Vindictiv and Therion.
"I always tried to create bass lines that added something to the music, and made it more interesting and varied".
His efforts did not go unnoticed: in 2010, he was voted Bass Player of the Year on
But there was always a sense of unfinished business. He had his own album to make. And now it's finally here.
Royal Mess reflects a big part of Nalle's musical tastes. Crunchy riffs, high energy playing, and catchy melodies. Timeless and melodic hard rock/AOR, as opposed to metal. Elements of prog can be detected, too, but he has chosen to save most of that side for another time.
It would be hard to pick out specific highlights from such a strong collection of quality songs. Most of them convey a life-affirming feeling. Nalle has had his share of bad relationships and self-destructive behaviour. Four years sober, he has used his time well, playing sessions and touring the world as Therion's bass player, while making this album.
"I have spent a lot of time being drunk or hungover in my day. The drinking increased around 2008, and one day I had just had enough. I realized that not only did I hurt myself, but also the ones I care about the most: my kids, my mother, my brothers and my friends. I decided to look for help. Ever since then, my whole life has become more enjoyable".
Most of the album's lyrics describe this journey.
"I hope that the songs inspire others who find themselves in similar situations to make a change, and take control of their own destiny. It's never too late."
The album was produced and arranged by Nalle himself, and mixed by renowned producer/musician/songwriter/artist, Chris Laney, who provided the already big and bold material with his trademark "in your face" attitude, and a slightly more modern twist.
The list of musicians credited on the album reads like a who's who of the Swedish hard rock community. How about Kee Marcello (Easy Action/Europe), Love Magnusson (Dynazty), Pontus Norgren (Hammerfall), Micke Hujanen (AB/CD), Stefan Lindholm (Vindictiv), Henrik Bergqvist (The Poodles), and Kristian Niemann (Therion) – and that's just the solo guitarists. It seems that everyone who knows Nalle wanted to help put him in the spotlight by lending their talents to the album. However, it's Nalle's vocals, rhythm guitar, bass and songwriting that is the core of the album's sound and style. The question remains: Why on earth hasn't he sung lead before?
"A lot of people who have heard the album have wondered why I have waited so long to do it. I guess it's a question of self confidence. People also seem to find it refreshing that I have made a classic hard rock album that reminds them of the Seventies and Eighties. But this is quite simply the kind of music I grew up listening to. I guess the only target group I had in mind was me!" Nalle laughs.
Nalle Påhlsson's Royal Mess is a personal and musical victory. 
Put it on, crank it up, and you will soon know why.



Nalle Påhlsson's ROYAL MESS To Debut September 25 on MRR

Friday, September 25, 2015
News Feed
Its time to announce a second release scheduled for September on MelodicRock Records.
This one is designed to kick some ass – a little Steve Stevens Atomic Playboys meets Kiss, meets Swedish melodic rock class.
I’m talking about Nalle Påhlsson's ROYAL MESS.
Nalle’s name should be very familiar to fans of Scandinavian rock – just check the credits for such great acts as Treat, Last Autumn's Dream, Vindictiv and Therion.
After so many years helping others sound great, MRR is proud to bring Nalle’s debut album to fans.
The self-titled Nalle Påhlsson's ROYAL MESS album will be released September 25 in two configurations – regular and a direct pre-order limited Special Edition that will feature one bonus track.
Right now you can enjoy two teaser videos previewing several tracks from the album.
More information soon!
For more than three decades, Nalle Påhlsson has been one of Sweden's leading rock bassists, providing reliable backing vocals along the way. September sees the release of Nalle Påhlsson's Royal Mess. An album where Nalle finally steps out as a lead singer, songwriter and versatile musician (providing rhythm guitars and keyboards, as well as bass).
Inspired by his oldest brother's record collection, Nalle started playing guitar at an early age. At 10, he joined his first band, switching to bass guitar the following year.
"Playing the bass reflects my personality. If I was a housebuilder I'd be into cement, working on the foundation. I feel just as at home playing the rhythm guitar, which has a similar role", Nalle smiles.
His early influences – Deep Purple, Kiss, The Sweet, Kansas – instilled the rock'n'roll dream, and the success of the band Europe proved that it was possible for Swedes his own age to make it.
Soon, Nalle was a sought-after bass player, touring and/or recording with some of Scandinavia's biggest names (Mikael Rickfors, Mats Ronander, Pugh Rogefeldt, Sanne Salomonsen, Easy Action and many others). He also formed what may have been Sweden's first tribute band, AB/CD. Not only did they play impeccable AC/DC covers; Nalle (who, being the rhythm guitarist, naturally called himself Nalcolm) also wrote new material in the style of the Australian rockers. AB/CD released one EP and two albums. The first album shifted 30,000 units, outselling some of Sweden's most hyped rock bands in the process.
Nalle continued to work as a freelance musician, as well as being a member of bands like Treat, Last Autumn's Dream, Vindictiv and Therion.
"I always tried to create bass lines that added something to the music, and made it more interesting and varied".
His efforts did not go unnoticed: in 2010, he was voted Bass Player of the Year on
But there was always a sense of unfinished business. He had his own album to make. And now it's finally here.
Royal Mess reflects a big part of Nalle's musical tastes. Crunchy riffs, high energy playing, and catchy melodies. Timeless and melodic hard rock/AOR, as opposed to metal. Elements of prog can be detected, too, but he has chosen to save most of that side for another time.
It would be hard to pick out specific highlights from such a strong collection of quality songs. Most of them convey a life-affirming feeling. Nalle has had his share of bad relationships and self-destructive behaviour. Four years sober, he has used his time well, playing sessions and touring the world as Therion's bass player, while making this album.
"I have spent a lot of time being drunk or hungover in my day. The drinking increased around 2008, and one day I had just had enough. I realized that not only did I hurt myself, but also the ones I care about the most: my kids, my mother, my brothers and my friends. I decided to look for help. Ever since then, my whole life has become more enjoyable".
Most of the album's lyrics describe this journey.
"I hope that the songs inspire others who find themselves in similar situations to make a change, and take control of their own destiny. It's never too late."
The album was produced and arranged by Nalle himself, and mixed by renowned producer/musician/songwriter/artist, Chris Laney, who provided the already big and bold material with his trademark "in your face" attitude, and a slightly more modern twist.
The list of musicians credited on the album reads like a who's who of the Swedish hard rock community. How about Kee Marcello (Easy Action/Europe), Love Magnusson (Dynazty), Pontus Norgren (Hammerfall), Micke Hujanen (AB/CD), Stefan Lindholm (Vindictiv), Henrik Bergqvist (The Poodles), and Kristian Niemann (Therion) – and that's just the solo guitarists. It seems that everyone who knows Nalle wanted to help put him in the spotlight by lending their talents to the album. However, it's Nalle's vocals, rhythm guitar, bass and songwriting that is the core of the album's sound and style. The question remains: Why on earth hasn't he sung lead before?
"A lot of people who have heard the album have wondered why I have waited so long to do it. I guess it's a question of self confidence. People also seem to find it refreshing that I have made a classic hard rock album that reminds them of the Seventies and Eighties. But this is quite simply the kind of music I grew up listening to. I guess the only target group I had in mind was me!" Nalle laughs.
Nalle Påhlsson's Royal Mess is a personal and musical victory. 
Put it on, crank it up, and you will soon know why.

LAST AUTUMN'S DREAM - Level Eleven (Review)

information persons: 
section name: 
Kiss Me
Follow Your Heart
I'll B There 4 U
Fight The World
Made Of Stone
Produced By: 
Last Autumn's Dream
Release Date: 
Musical Style: 
AOR Heaven
Release Year: 
Again, older title, but still necessary purchase if you’ve missed it up until now.
Last Autumn’s Dream have been regularly releasing records for a decade now. Amazing feat and even better that this – their 11th studio album is one of their best.
The sound and style from these guys never varies much and I’m good with that.
Songs is what counts, as the Scandi-AOR delivered by these guys is already on my list of favourites.
The soulful, high-ish vocals of Mikael Erlandsson and the kick ass band featuring Jamie Borger – drums, Nalle Pahlsson – bass and Peter Söderström – guitars just know how to deliver a good song.
Level Eleven features some of the strongest material in a while. There’s a little more emphasis on guitars, but even more focus on big hooks and memorable choruses.
And the pace is kept pretty pumped too.
The production could probably use a little work, but the songs are what make this album great.
There are no fillers whatsoever. Just track after track of catchy pure Scandi melodic rock/AOR.
Best for me – the uptempo AOR of Kiss Me, Follow Your Heart, Star, I'll B There 4 U and the ballads Fight The World and Made Of Stone.

LAD fans will have this already, but if you don’t…WHY NOT?!
Other AOR fans and those partial to some sweet Scandi melodic bliss, invest some time and money checking this out now.

LAST AUTUMN'S DREAM Announce 'Level Eleven' European Release

Friday, February 20, 2015
News Feed
Last Autumn’s Dream - Level Eleven
Release Date: 20.02.2015
Label: AOR Heaven
Mikael Erlandsson from Gothenburg is one of the best singers/ songwriters in Sweden today. Beside LAD he has since 2006 been the front man in the Swedish super group Secret Service on live tours all over the world.
He has recorded four successful solo albums and his Japanese record company together with XTC Productions came up with the idea of putting him together with the fantastic guitar player Andy Malecek from the successful German hard rock band Fair Warning for an album project.
Mikael and Andy were both hooked by the idea and a plan for the album began to grow. Ian Haugland, Mic Michaeli and John Leven of Europe-fame were asked if they were interested to join, which they did and the band LAST AUTUMN'S DREAM was born!
Their self titled debut album resembled the best Scandinavian melodic rock heritage, but also added a distinctive Fair Warning influence coming from Malecek’s guitar playing.
The band lost 3/5's of their members due to the comeback of Europe. So from their second album great musicians like bassist Marcel Jacob (Talisman) tragically died and was replaced by Nalley Påhlsson (Treat, Therion) and finally drummer Jamie Borger (Talisman, Treat, Secret Service) joined the band.
Andy Malecek unfortunately decided to leave the band in 2014 because of personal reasons and is now replaced by Peter “Pac” Söderström, a genius guitar player that earlier used to add rhythm guitars to the band’s previous albums.
Album number 11 “Level Eleven” will be released in Japan in December 2013 and in Europe in February 2013 and proposes as usual the combination of classic rock references with modern sound.
All albums recorded at XTC Studios in Stockholm. Executive producer Ulf Wahlberg (Secret Service).
Track list: 1. Kiss Me, 2. Follow Your Heart, 3. Fight The World, 4. I’ll B There 4 U, 5. Losing You, 6. Go Go Go - Get Ready For The Show, 7. Delirious, 8. Made Of Stone, 9. Stick Around, 10. Star, 11. PLZ (+ hidden track)
Line-up: Mikael Erlandsson - vocals, Jamie Borger - drums, Nalley Pahlsson on - bass, Peter Söderström -  guitars
Sound clips in advance:


Thursday, November 20, 2014
News Feed

::: German label AOR Heaven is proud to announce a couple of new signings for release in early 2015!:::

On January 23rd, 2015 the solo band from former WIG WAM front man Age Sten Nilson, AMMUNITION, will release their new album “Shanghaied” on AOR Heaven in Europe (excluding Scandinavia).


Age Sten Nilson's AMMUNITION



The video clip for the track “Tie Me Down” can be found in advance here:

In addition to this, Swedish AOR newcomers CARE OF NIGHT will release their stunning Melodic Rock debut album “Connected” on January 23rd, 2015 via AOR Heaven in Europe. This band features former  members from the groups WIGELIUS and SEVEN TEARS.





In further news, AOR Heaven also have picked up Melodic Rock/ AOR veterans LAST AUTUMN’S DREAM for the European release of their upcoming album “Level Eleven” for a late February release. Further news on this album will follow.


Last Autumn's Dream


Thursday, October 30, 2014
News Feed
A few interesting items coming up in Japan in the next month or so:
LAST AUTUMN'S DREAM are releasing their 11th studio album titled 'Leven Eleven' December 17. There is a regular 1CD version and a 2CD Limited Edition that features a bonus disc of acoustic versions of past tracks. Pre-order here:
TEN's new album 'Albion' will feature the bonus track 'Good God In Heaven What Hell Is This'. Pre-order:
Avalon will release a Tour Edition of the WINGER album 'Better days Comin' that will feature 3 bonus tracks: 12. Better Days Comin' (Stoner Re-Mix)  13. Pull Me Under (Live)  14. Stone Cold Killer (Live). Pre-order:
Åge Sten Nilsen's AMMUNITION debut will get an advance Japanese release October 29! The European release is November 21. Pre-order the Japanese release:

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