Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final
Posted by: nivjourney ()
Date: October 03, 2011 08:56AM

Yep sure, everyone has bad days live... but when you have them every day since 1977, you gotta know somethings up.
He's great at the OTT Theatrical Operatic Rock stuff in the studio, with an excellent producer and great writers and musicians.
But live he's the drizzling shits, and has been for years.
Now people should realise why I was desperate to see him on his Hang Cool Tour, before it was too late, but still walked out after about 3 songs because he was as shit as I hoped he wouldn't be! Plus his female backing singer looked like a drag queen and was insanely out of tune!
Just piss poor.
Stick to the studio albums and acting, leave the live tours in the past.

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SubjectViewsWritten ByPosted
Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 954 the ORIGINAL brent 10/02/2011 11:49PM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 557 Ydde 10/03/2011 12:27AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 482 seventhsea 10/03/2011 12:43AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 507 seventhsea 10/03/2011 12:45AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 477 adolfo 10/03/2011 12:46AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 516 Andrew 10/03/2011 07:24AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 363 adolfo 10/03/2011 08:53AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 416 seventhsea 10/03/2011 09:18AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 521 nivjourney 10/03/2011 10:35AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 425 Andrew 10/03/2011 11:53AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 393 Firehouse 10/03/2011 01:50PM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 293 JJ 10/03/2011 09:31PM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 354 Andrew 10/03/2011 11:52AM
Re: speaking of his legacy 372 the ORIGINAL brent 10/03/2011 12:41PM
Re: speaking of his legacy 347 Ydde 10/03/2011 12:43PM
Re: speaking of his legacy 362 Andrew 10/03/2011 01:00PM
Re: speaking of his legacy 323 wolf 359 10/04/2011 02:16AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 518 Heavy Harmonies 10/03/2011 01:08AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 446 Darren In Florida 10/03/2011 02:01AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 324 Vantheman 10/03/2011 03:15AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 384 ytsejam 10/03/2011 04:34AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 454 Andrew 10/03/2011 07:22AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 329 Tom G 10/03/2011 07:45AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 383 Dan 10/03/2011 08:25AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final492 nivjourney 10/03/2011 08:56AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 371 KingdomofMan 10/03/2011 09:19AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 329 Darren In Florida 10/03/2011 09:47AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 324 Dan 10/03/2011 08:39PM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 459 Andrew 10/03/2011 11:50AM
Should've got Alice Cooper... 372 Brett5150 10/03/2011 08:25PM
Re: Should've got Alice Cooper... 329 Ydde 10/03/2011 08:40PM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 306 Firehouse 10/03/2011 09:46AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 317 Ydde 10/03/2011 10:40AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 346 Aussie Dave 10/03/2011 11:33AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 302 Firehouse 10/03/2011 01:51PM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 317 Laurent 10/03/2011 04:29PM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 336 Wardy 10/03/2011 06:15PM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 308 Darren In Florida 10/03/2011 09:11PM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 287 the ORIGINAL brent 10/03/2011 09:25PM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 375 rocknut 10/03/2011 08:57PM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 349 OzzMosiz 10/04/2011 12:03AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 392 Idiosyncrasy 10/04/2011 02:40AM
Re: Meatloaf at the AFL football Grand Final 323 Andrew 10/04/2011 10:19AM

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