Re: JB's Dudley & Memorabilia auction
Posted by: BLUEZGLAM ()
Date: August 03, 2011 08:33PM

TOTALLY GUTTED...... JBs was our live music venue and opened our lives beyond the CD and dvd in the West Midlands. The ONLY venue now is the Civic. ALOT further to travel and not as intimate and brilliant as the mighty JBS. The owners of JBs were fantastic and always gave that 101% and it was always great to speak to them on the phone or at venue.

A VERY VERY SAD day for REAL ROCK when JBs is gone.When its gone its gone too late to do anything. I wish someone like Plant and Iommi would of bought it with all its rock history.

If I had had the money I would of bought JBS.

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SubjectViewsWritten ByPosted
JB's Dudley & Memorabilia auction 1278 Woody 08/03/2011 06:37AM
Re: JB's Dudley & Memorabilia auction 841 Melodinikos_74 08/03/2011 07:05AM
Re: JB's Dudley & Memorabilia auction 366 andypuk 08/03/2011 07:16AM
Re: JB's Dudley & Memorabilia auction 619 seventhsea 08/03/2011 08:12AM
Re: JB's Dudley & Memorabilia auction 944 Woody 08/03/2011 08:14AM
Re: JB's Dudley & Memorabilia auction 342 cookie 08/03/2011 07:03PM
Re: JB's Dudley & Memorabilia auction 226 JIMMY AGATES 08/03/2011 07:38PM
Re: JB's Dudley & Memorabilia auction520 BLUEZGLAM 08/03/2011 08:33PM

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