Re: UK tour organiser's venue suggestions and possible additional dates for Airrace as discussed below.
Posted by: seventhsea ()
Date: July 23, 2011 05:57AM

is the vault the one in the market? Cos if so i was under impression it had closed down and was being converted to a care home

Or have they moved elsewhere?

EDIT - Just found out its what used to be Kinky Boots cabaret venue in Darlaston


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/2011 06:03AM by seventhsea.

SubjectViewsWritten ByPosted
UK tour organiser's venue suggestions and possible additional dates for Airrace as discussed below. 669 Woody 07/21/2011 05:34AM
Re: UK tour organiser's venue suggestions and possible additional dates for Airrace as discussed below. 434 Russ 07/21/2011 05:58AM
Re: UK tour organiser's venue suggestions and possible additional dates for Airrace as discussed below. 348 cookie 07/21/2011 07:16AM
Re: UK tour organiser's venue suggestions and possible additional dates for Airrace as discussed below. 379 Martin Howse 07/21/2011 05:15PM
Midlands Venues 295 jamesrock 07/21/2011 07:21PM
Re: Midlands Venues 278 Woody 07/22/2011 03:42AM
Re: UK tour organiser's venue suggestions and possible additional dates for Airrace as discussed below. 292 glamster7 07/21/2011 08:33PM
Re: UK tour organiser's venue suggestions and possible additional dates for Airrace as discussed below.231 seventhsea 07/23/2011 05:57AM

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