Midlands Venues
Posted by: jamesrock ()
Date: July 21, 2011 07:21PM

I agree JBs closure has left a big hole in tour venues for the Midlands.

Am put off Wolverhampton gigs generally as I don't feel the town is easily accessable and the times I've been to the Civic (I live near Solihull) the parking has been hit and miss too.

Coventry Kasbah would be an idea. They also have rooms at the Ricoh. Cov is easy to get in and out of too.

Rock City and the Rescue Rooms are obvious venues for bands who can't fill the big room there.

I saw a metallica tribute band in Stratford on Avon at a good venue in the town by the river, the name escapes me but it is a solid venue.

Definitely feel the Midlands needs another JBs but where?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/21/2011 07:22PM by jamesrock.

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SubjectViewsWritten ByPosted
UK tour organiser's venue suggestions and possible additional dates for Airrace as discussed below. 668 Woody 07/21/2011 05:34AM
Re: UK tour organiser's venue suggestions and possible additional dates for Airrace as discussed below. 434 Russ 07/21/2011 05:58AM
Re: UK tour organiser's venue suggestions and possible additional dates for Airrace as discussed below. 348 cookie 07/21/2011 07:16AM
Re: UK tour organiser's venue suggestions and possible additional dates for Airrace as discussed below. 379 Martin Howse 07/21/2011 05:15PM
Midlands Venues294 jamesrock 07/21/2011 07:21PM
Re: Midlands Venues 278 Woody 07/22/2011 03:42AM
Re: UK tour organiser's venue suggestions and possible additional dates for Airrace as discussed below. 292 glamster7 07/21/2011 08:33PM
Re: UK tour organiser's venue suggestions and possible additional dates for Airrace as discussed below. 230 seventhsea 07/23/2011 05:57AM

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