UK tour organiser's venue suggestions and possible additional dates for Airrace as discussed below.
If anyone can help me circulate these venue suggestions to UK tour organisers i'd really appreciate it, i know AORchappie (yardbirds, Grimsby) & Dave No.1 (Rock City) were disscusing Airrace's rescheduled gigs in a thread below, so may know some people to pass these on too.
Losing JB's has left a big gap in the touring schedule and i think any of the following venues would attarct the JB's crowd, if the dates are available and the venue is within in the tour budget.
The Robin in Wolverhampton is the most obvious to pick up where JB's left off, but just needs the "gigs" to kickstart the interest from the right circles to make it a known venue within the genre.
I know for a fact Mike is VERY keen to expand the genre's of bands that play the venue past the prog and blues that are it's current bread and butter. I'm sure Mike would offer a fantastic and reasoanble deal. The main problem with The Robin is you do have to book well in advance to get your desired dates. I'm more than willing to apraoch Mike about taking on gigs like that recent Houston/Crashdiet tour, which i'm sure Mike would have given the big thumbs up too!
The River Rooms in Dudley, the ol Rock cafe as was now all new and shiny not known as a rock venue really anymore and doesn't have many orignal bands play but could still be a viable option - Airrace played there a few years back.
The Slade Rooms in Wolverhampton, City centre venue that surely will attract a big turnout. part of the Wolves Civic group, may not be cheap but a city centre venue could bring a bigger crowd.
Looking for a smaller venue their is the Tackeroo in Hendesford, the like's off Michael Schenker, Toby jepson and GUN have played their in the past would be a similar type of venue to the Yardbirds in Grimsby. I know many english bands who have played there who really like the venue.
there's a new venue in walsall called the Vault, which i'm trying to find more details on - the owners have stated in the local papers they wish to grow and be mentioned in the same breath as The Robin & JB's.....just need to find some contact details....think its around 3-4 hundred capacity.
The Asylum in Birmingham, more of a metal venue in my opinion but perhaps a viable option financially.
and if using the O2 academy chain, there is always the three rooms available at the Birmingham branch
please pass on if you know the right people!
Woody in Praelia
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/21/2011 05:36AM by Woody.